The Intruder is an American Hollywood Horror, Mystery thriller film directed by Deon Taylor and written by David Loughery and starting with Meagan Good, Dennis Quaid, Micheal Ealy. The film is about a young married couple. When they buy a beautiful house in the Napa Valley they think that would be their dream house. But they find out that the seller has hidden motivation beyond the house quick sale.
The Intruder (2019) Movie Trailer
Movie Info
Movie title: The Intruder
Director: Deon Tayor
Writer: David Laughery
Stars: Meagan Good, Dennis Quaid, Micheal Ealy see full cast
Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery.
Release date:3 May 2019 USA
More Info
Language: English
Country: USA
Run time: 1 h 42 m
Rating: PG - 13 for violence, terror, some sexuality, language, and thematic elements
Rating: PG - 13 for violence, terror, some sexuality, language, and thematic elements
Also known as: Motivated seller